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When we send our kids off to school for the first time we think about all the memories that will be made, how much they will change and how much they will grow. And these printable first day of school signs are just what you need to document it all.

Printable First Day of School Signs: Pre K through 5th Grade

When we our kids go to school we think about all the memories they will make. My printable first day of school signs are just what you need for it all. #freeprintable #firstdayofschoolsigns #freeprintablefirstdayofcshoolsign

These first day of school printables are a great gift to give them for their high school graduation. You could use these free printables in a scrapbook or to simply give them at the end of the school year.

I am planning to make up some chalkboard signs like this one except for school very soon to add to my collection, as an editable first-day sign.

When we our kids go to school we think about all the memories they will make. My printable first day of school signs are just what you need for it all. #freeprintable #firstdayofschoolsigns #freeprintablefirstdayofcshoolsign

But free printable first day of school signs are great and also low cost.

My free printable includes a PDF copy of grades Pre-K through 5th grade so you have the first 7 years covered. 

These signs are also great for homeschooling, just as a way to keep up with how much our kids change over the years. They tend to grow up right before our eyes. 

One day they can be held in our arms, or sit in our laps, then the next thing we know they are big enough to hold us!

When we our kids go to school we think about all the memories they will make. My printable first day of school signs are just what you need for it all. #freeprintable #firstdayofschoolsigns #freeprintablefirstdayofcshoolsignSome Ideas To Display Your Printable First Day of School Signs

  • Get a binder and page sleeves to put them in
  • Scrapbook it
  • Create a wall with them all framed (here is a great price on frames in bulk)
  • Put them in a folder for safekeeping and give them as part of a graduation gift

I am sure there are more ideas for storing or displaying these first days of school signs. What are some ideas you have, I would love for you to leave a comment below telling me about them?

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