So you bought a Cricut, now what? The Cricut has changed a ton over the years. Cricut Design Space wasn’t available with the older models.
My first Cricut was only 6 inches wide, and although you could do a ton with those, you can do so much more with the Cricut Explore family and the Cricut Maker.
With my old machine, I had to buy a separate cartridge for everything I wanted to do.
Cricut Design Space For Beginners
What is Cricut Design Space?
Cricut design space is a companion app that allows you to both upload and also create your own designs right in the app. There are 100s of free projects, images, and fonts.
The app also syncs with the fonts that are already loaded onto your computer!
How much does Cricut Design Space cost?
Believe it or not, Design Space is free. There are some projects, fonts, and images that are only available through a premium membership called Cricut Access, you can get access to over 90,000 images plus hundreds of fonts and it is forever growing.
Which Cricut machines are compatible with Design Space?
- Explore One
- Air
- Explore Air
- Explore Air 2
- Maker
If you have any of the Cricut machines below, none of them are compatible with Cricut design space. Which is the perfect reason to upgrade your machine?
- Expression 2
- Expression 1
- Mini
This tutorial video will show you everything there is to know about Design space, from how all of the tools work to fonts, layers and the canvas.
When you first get the Cricut Design Space website you see a welcome screen with any projects you have saved and all the ones Cricut has to offer.
If this is your first time you obviously won’t have any. You will either choose new, 1 of your projects or a Design Space Project. For this tutorial, I am going to go to new.
On the right side of your screen, you will see
- New: Go here to start a new project.
- Templates: To see what your design will look on things. This is ONLY for the purpose of it being visual.
- Images: All of your of the images saved in the design space
- Text: Press this when you want to add text to your project.
- Shapes: Shapes are just that, there is a square, circle, star, heart and line tool
- Uploads: Go here to upload images into your project.
On the top toolbar, it will remain grayed out until you have an element on the canvas and have it selected, well all except your undo and redo, but then you can change things like
- color
- font
- font-style
- size
- line and letter spacing (both between letters and between words that are on different lines)
- alignment
- curve
- advanced is deals with the groupings
The left toolbar is the layers panel and below is where you change the color of your canvas, slice, weld, attach, flatten and contour.
Those are the basics of Cricut Design Space, check out the video to see them in action and learn so much more. Make sure to check out Cricut EasyPress2: Beginners Guide and Everything You Need To Know About Cricut Infusible Ink to get started with those.